About This Business…

Why do I coach, coaches?

Specifically, why do I guide coaches to make the health of their body, spirit and bank account(s) a first priority?

The simple answer is most coaches, and this goes for not only new coaches, but experienced coaches as well, are hiding from the money. 

I put it right out there in front. 

Here’s why:

To serve them and save them and myself from having to speak for 90 minutes before, I finally de-code what has been underneath the conversation all along. 

 …discomfort speaking about making money by helping their clients live incredible lives. 

This is not something that only exists for coaches, but the majority of my non-coaching clients will also hide a few things from view, not from me, but from themselves such as: 

The quality of their health, wealth, and their relationships. 

So that is right where I go with them, from the beginning. 

And if all is well in those areas we will continue to explore all the other incredible areas of life that exist for exploration. 

Now you might ask, why have I not mentioned SPIRIT? 

Well, spirit is where I live my life. It infuses everything.

It is the Life Force. 

I was speaking to a client who fit all the descriptions above, a man who was a financier, successful at it as well, who was now ‘coaching’, but calling it something else, but let’s be real, he is coaching…

And also hiding from the conversation about charging people for his services…

He asked me a practical question.

He didn’t quite expect the answer I was going to give.

He asked, “Why should I wake up in the morning I don’t have a purpose, a why, a reason to wake up?”. 

I asked him what wakes him up in the morning? 

Now, it’s important to have a bit more context. 

We were speaking of the human’s need for projects, purpose, and passion and living free from the need for any of those things.

I asked him if he was familiar with the mystic, Meister Eckhart? 

He wasn’t, so I shared a brief mention of Meister Eckhart’s contemplations and his unveiling of freedom. 

Eckhart said, and this is a complete paraphrase, “There is no such thing as a why for living. I don’t need a why, a purpose, a project.” 

Then my client said, “Don’t you need a why, a reason to wake up and get out of bed?”

That is when I asked him, “What wakes you up in the morning?” 

“Do you think you are doing that?”

That is the life force. 

That is spirit. 

That is also, biology. 

You see, I am a spiritual man, make of that what you will.

Yes, I can float into the woo woo and be perfectly grounded in the ever present reality that includes bank accounts and putting bread on the table. 

It’s all part of the whole and all of it is worthy of our exploration. 

But I tell you what…

Health drives wealth always…

The health of your being, your spirit, your heart ( literally ), your relationships, your assets, your quality of life. 

It is all included. 

For you that means “Money Too”.

You are a coach after all and if you can’t bring yourself to look straight into your own eyes and acknowledge the importance money plays in your life, then you are automatically doing a disservice not only to yourself but to your clients.

We will fix that fast.

A few more words…

I believe one of my great services to you is that with me, you can be all about the money, the wealth, the asking for what you want. 

You and I are with each other in an oath of anonymity and confidentiality. 

Now, when I speak with my clients I know that they are not living their life “only in the money”, quite the contrary, they are serving their clients, but for the time they are with me, ‘They are ONLY in the Money”.

Don’t misunderstand, this key distinction.

Being in the money conversation is about everything.

It’s about the freedom to be yourself, expressing what you desire, even if you would never tell anyone else.

It is freeing in ways you can only know if you experience it. 

As for the rest of it, well that comes along in our convversations as well. 

After all, it’s your life we are taking about and that incudes all of it. 

Yes, spirit, energy, god, consciousness, whatever your inclination is, matters not to me, but you better believe it matters to you.

Respect that.

That is why when you are with me, we talk about ‘The Money” first.

Theodore Cash

What to do next?

Go to this page and read through it if you have not yet done so. Coaching and Consulting…