“The Call”

Welcome to “The Call”.

This is your call, a call to follow your path.

And Theodore Cash, will be your guide for a moment in time.

You read the Document.

And now it is all about “The Call”.

Here’s what you need to know and do.

The Call is about you.

Please remember that.

You are not allowed to record the call.

There are zero-refunds.

You can re-schedule one time and one time only.

However, don’t use that option unless it is a must.

Show up for yourself, professionally.

Be prepared.

Have your questions ready.

Enjoy the conversation.

Also, please note, Theodore will not ask you to buy anything from him. There is nothing he wants from you, only for you to live your life as you desire.

In fact, it is rare for him to open up his schedule to taking on long-term clients.

If you are interested in working with him beyond the call, you will have to take it upon yourself to inquire further.

Here’s What You Need To Do…

Click the button, schedule a time, make the payment, and show up on time for, “The Call”…

Remember this is your calling, your call.

What To Expect On Your Call

  1. The call will last 45 – 90 minutes.
  2. You can ask whatever you want.
  3. Theodore will have questions for you, all aimed at helping you create the Life Coaching Practice you desire and want. Not what you see others selling, but what you actually want for yourself.

Do not fret or worry if you do not know what to ask. Theodore will guide you with his questions.

However, you are encouraged to come with your own questions.

Remember, he designed this process so coaches could have a powerful, safe, and confidential conversation about money and coaching and the lifestyle that comes with it.

Click the link below.

Be Who You Have To Be To Create What You Wish…

Here’s How It Works. 

You have purchased the Document, because you can not book a call unless you have first read and come to understand the simple principles in the document. 

This guarantees when you book a one-time call, if you choose to do so, that you will give yourself a great opportunity to create the money you know you can. 

And no, you do not have to book a call, because you purchased the Document. 

The call is an option for those, who really want to make great money, and for those who want to specifically talk about their coaching practice, their wants and desires.  

Who will you be speaking with if you book a call, Theodore Cash. 

He’s gentle but firm. 

He wants all of his clients to live amazing lives.

If you become a client of his, know that he will support you by telling the truth. 

And you will come to understand how you can create a practice that fits your lifestyle, your desires, and your pace of life, so that you are not overwhelmed, anxious, or stressed out. 

You see, he knows what most people don’t, the secret to success, in any endeavor is to detach and enjoy the game. 

Ask him about it on your call, if you choose to book a call.

He will share with you the options that exist for creating a life coaching practice that you actually enjoy, that takes care of you, and that enhances your quality of life, which is unfortunately the opposite of what happens to most coaches.

What Is The Call…

The call is about putting “FINANCES” first…

Money and coaching and your quality of life…

The call is about you and your questions, your life, and what you want. 

You have to have read the Document first. 

It’s mandatory. 

The call costs $500 ( Price and availability are subject to change.)

If you can’t make the call time, you have an option to reschedule one time and only one time. If you don’t show up for that you lose the money. 

This conversation is 100% confidential. 

You are not allowed to record the call. 

You must be 100% present for the call. 

This call will be for you, not for him, but for you.

Do not try to interview him or ask about his life. 

He won’t answer you. 

This call is about you, book a call. 

You get to choose now, at this moment in time how important the call is for you. 

Remember, it doesn’t have to be overwhelming, chaotic, and confusing.

Please know, Theodore Cash enjoys his life and spends most of his time, close to 100% doing what he enjoys. 

Stress, chaos, busyness, overwhelm, anxiousness, and confusion are not his friends. 

If you choose to speak with him, please know that he will respect that in you too.


We do not have customer service for non-clients. 

We are here to serve, and our clients are our priority. 

You must protect your time and your attention as a coach, because once people know what you do, they will happily seek out your FREE advice on everything. 

You don’t want that to happen. You want to bill them.

You want them to pay you. 

They will respect you more. 

You want respect in this profession, primarily from yourself. 

You are worth it. 

Once again…

Here are the steps to take. 

Step 1: Purchase the Document if you have not already.

Step 2: Let’s state the obvious, “read it and understand it”. 

If you recognize the value in it, which you will, do book a call with Theodore Cash. 

Show up with your questions and be ready to talk about the money you want and the money you ‘will’ make as a coach. 

It is a rare opportunity to talk to another human without being judged, especially around money. 

This is that opportunity. 

Here’s what to do next!

It’s Your Call “Use It”

Book The Call By Clicking Here link.